Just some thoughts....it's that time of year. Have you been lucky enough to enjoy some good weather in your neck of the woods? We have been blessed with sunshine and temps in the high 50's and 60's, unusual this late in the season.
This is a shot of Tom and I taken up in Gwinn. It was Evelyn's baptismal day. As you can see the weather in the UP was beautiful, as were the colors!
The weather here for Tuesday, November 4th, voting day, promises to be good. High of 65 and sunshine. That may help those who have to stand in long lines. Tom and I have reached the age of absentee ballots. It may be one of the few "good" things about these latter years. Somehow somethings haven't been panning out as advertised. I think we spend more time in Dr. offices than I care to think about. It wasn't what I had in mind.

The economy has my attention too. Deciding to retire this year and then have the bottom falling out of my 403B has not helped my piece of mind. I've finally got myself calmed. I've made some new decisions about investing and I'm educating myself about it too. I'm starting out with the BASICS...Investing for Dummies. I guess it's about time I take some personal responsibility for my money. Money has always scared me. I lived for years believing I didn't have enough. Somehow(God's care?) I always managed. The kids and I had a roof over our heads, furniture to sit on, food on our table(though small portions, which was probably healthier) and medical insurance. I really never had a plan when I was

So enjoy the tail end of this beautiful weather, VOTE, and lend a hand to the guy next to you. Tomorrow someone may be lending you theirs.
Until next time....always, Kathleen

This last photo makes me think of how it feels to "....rest in the palm of HIS hand."
I've had a few occassions to feel that comfort, it is real.