It started at age 4 when she kept calling Public Radio so she could "please get that Big Bird, you keep showing."
It happened again when she broke her ankle and didn't slow down, even though it wasn't yet a walking cast.
It came in the form of volunteering at
Beechwood Manor when she was nine.
Calling me at work to say she needed a TB test so she could help out there once a week.
Then it was becoming a terrific swimmer and a member of the swim team. Devoting hours of disciplined practice, often at 6 a.m. before school started.
Then it was becoming a "teenager" and challenging me in every way she could. Testing my limits and sometimes her own.
Then it was college and entering nursing school.
Then it was failing school and finding another field to get a degree in.
Then it was graduating and becoming a Vista on a stipend of just $300 a month.
Then it was working as a Health Educator and working with women on parole in an in house rehab facility. Watching her grow in compassion and understanding of people who had "come up"the hard way.
Then it seeing a light go on in her mind and her spirit, realizing that yes, Nursing was her calling after all. Back to school to finish an Associates, go on to finish a Bachelors and a Masters and to now work as an Advance Practice Nurse/Primary Care.
But tonight, I turned from the stove to look out my kitchen window to see such a surprising sight....A figure in black....helmet and all! It was that woman again, surprising me still.
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