Lara and Evelyn
My Flowers For You This Mother's Day
The Outdoor Side of Lara
Mutual Admiration Society
Happy Mother's Day Lara! You're one terrific Mom. You are selfless, tender, gentle, affectionate, single minded, giving, tolerant, concerned, generous, creative, nurturing...when it comes to Evelyn. What a lucky little girl she is. She came into this world so perfect and you are doing all you can to make sure she stays that way. I admire you so. I believe that with every generation of women, mothering becomes better...more perfected. We learn how to be and how not to be from our Mothers. I hope I taught you more about how "to be" rather than how "not to be". But whatever, take the lessons and use them wisely and then pass them on to Evelyn. Make sure she has them tucked inside of her for when it's her turn. And believe me when I say, it will be her turn sooner than you realize.
You are an incredible daughter. You have become such a wonderful woman. If we were in each other's lives in a different way, I'd pick you as a friend. But, we are in that tangled relationship of Mother/Daughter, and frankly, I think our's is pretty healthy and pretty terrific. And I do consider you my friend...so I come out doubly blessed! If reincarnation exists, I'd want to come back as your child or your cat! Nothing against how you treat your dog, but I'd rather have a cat's life if it came to a choice. I think a cat would fit my personality better.
I think I forgot to mention your excellent judgement. And that you have shown by choosing Brian as your mate. Excellent job!
Happy Mother's Day to my born to be a Mother, Daughter! I love you.
Until next time....Always, Mom/Kathleen
1 comment:
Thanks for making my cry at work Mom! Thank you for being a great role model, mother and friend to me! I love you!
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