Okay, this is what's outside!
This is who's inside!
"Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...."
"Splish, Splash, I was taking a bath...>"
Yes, I would do it again! Leaving sunny Florida for this charmer is a no brainer. I know Grandpa Tom wouldn't like this weather but he is missing the Apple of his eye. Funny how love has a way of inching into our hearts and just growing. Again I marvel at the tenderness, love and joy I feel with this perfect little girl. She is such a reminder of how perfectly we come into this world. It's only the way people write all over us that changes that. So far I see no signs of that here.
Evelyn is blessed with two of the most loving, tender, positive influencing partents. This house resonates peace. She is joyful, tender, inquisitive and so content. She hasn't cried since I arrived which is a week now. She coos and babbles and patiently waits for an adoring someone to lift her from her crib. She is very bright and loves to entertain anyone who is interested in watching.
She is also very lucky to have a Grandma and Grandpa nearby who watch her every day when her Mommy and Daddy go to work. She is learning so much at their knee. She can play peek-a-boo and loves singing and music. She knows she is loved.
Well, Grandma P's visit is drawing to an end. Today is the last day. I am relishing every moment I have. I have done enough photos to last a few months. Brian is kindly making me a copy of their videos. This should be my fix until the next visit, maybe in April at our house.
Oh, I also recorded the Zoo song on Brian's I Pod. It now has five verses and Evelyn lights up and gets excited when she hears it.
Until the next time....always, Kathleen
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