Sunrise from my porch
A missed sunset...caught the sky leaving for dinner
The Moon and Venus at dinner
Just so you don't think everything
is beautiful here....this is the ugliest
artificial flower arrangement I've ever
seen....and it's in my Living Room!
Is it possible? Tomorrow is March 1st. Only 31 days left to our stay in Florida. Our new home away from home. I hate the thought of returning. I'll be happy to see the important people in my life, but can't say I've missed Detroit/Michigan at all! I will look forward to
our return next year. Such a pleasant place to look forward to.
I went to a Line Dancing class on Friday with one of my friends. What fun!! I plan on going again on Wednesday and Friday. It really was a workout. I love dancing and so seldom get to do it. Weddings are fewer and fewer now. Our big party days are over. I felt like I was in Bill Wilson's Studio of Dance. Barbara would remember that. A large part of our childhood. Tap, ballet, modern jazz. When my cousin Barb and I were 4, we charged people 10cents to watch us perform. Our Grandma Bullock(our Mother's Mother) was in the hospital, seriously ill, in Pennsylvania. The times were safer then and our Mom's left us outside on the hospital grounds, unattended. Barbara and I saw ourselves as budding stars. There we were in our matching blue/blue striped dresses, tapping on the grass for anyone willing to come up with the coins. Much to our Mother's horror we managed to collect enough to put in our piggy banks. Grandma died never knowing we had inherited her industrious nature. How did we know Barb, that many years later, we'd be tapping to keep patients happy!
I had such a great day yesterday. Most of them are great,but yesterday was exceptional. It started off with a sunrise, moved on to dancing until I thought my heart would sing, and then seeing that beautiful night sky. We had dinner at a place called Bha Bha/A Persian Bistro. Food I love. A balmy night drive home, to bed, just to rise and start all over. This really has been such a wonderful time. I am so very grateful.
Until next time....Always, Kathleen