Here are some pictures of friends we've spent time with while in Florida. Phyllis and Paul Danilow are two great people we originally met in Puerto Vallarta. We became fast friends and we have visited them in their former home, New York City, several times over the past 7 years. They came and spent a week with us two years ago in Detroit. We took them to Mackinaw Island, Petosky and we spent several days at our cottage in Amherstburg. They liked the cottage the best.
They have now moved to Lake Worth, Florida on the east coast and given up their NY city apartment. We spent 3 days with them after Christmas. Their home is lovely and of course it is always great seeing them. Phyllis keeps us in stitches with her stories and quick wit(she reminds me of Bet Midler), and Paul is a gracious, gentle and wonderful man.
The picture at the ocean was taken in mid January. Lin Fons is a former classmate from nursing school. She and I have maintained contact over the years. She and her husband have a place on Marco Island, about 20 minutes from here, and I spent the night and a day at her place. We had so much fun. Lin is another quick witted, comedian friend and we played on the beach like school girls. We built things in the sand....not sand castles and laughed until I thought we'd cry. Truly I have not had a day of such childlike play in many, many years.
As I've said in emails and earlier posts this has been a time of healing, introspection and obviously play. I am so grateful for what this winter season in Florida has brought to me.
Until next time....always, Kathleen
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