I've given up trying to write next to the photos. It always lines up perfectly and then I post the blog and everything has shifted. I guess I need to do some more experimenting.
Have you ever heard a Mockingbird? I never had until this past week. I hadn't noticed that we didn't really have bird sounds in December or January. Suddenly last week the mornings were full of their sounds. I guess it is spring here. A Mockingbird sat on the fence next to my chaise at the pool for over 2 hours the other day. Much to my surprise I found myself watching and listening to it for long spans of time. Mockingbirds make a beautiful sound. They imitate all the other birds they hear. It's incredible. More incredible was the fact that I was listening,watching....being! I wonder what I'll be like back in Grosse Pointe. I wonder if I have learned something new about being, or if it's this place. I hope it is the former. It's a much better way to live. I'm not so driven and I like that.
We do so much more here. We have gone to the Philharmonic to see RIVERDANCE. We saw the HARRY JAMES ORCHESTRA with some friends. We have tickets to see HAPPY DAYS in early March. It's a musical based on the TV show and is supposed to be full of 50s and 60s music.
We've seen more movies in 10 weeks than we have in the past 3 years.
We had a Wii and I found the Wii Fit down here. We are both doing that every day. Today was day 20 for me. It's an incredible program and really gives you a workout while providing fun. Tom is focusing on the Balance Program which should help him a lot. I am still walking in the mornings.
We are really living life but so much more simply. I'm trying to figure out why. What makes home so much busier? Is it simply my frame of mind? Hope I can find a way to transfer what is here back to there.
Until next time....Always, Kathleen
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